sábado, 25 de julio de 2020

Postgraduates Studies

Hello everyone, today I will write about what I would like to do when I finish my dental career, first I would like to travel a little, to relax, and then I would love to do a specialty, so far 2 areas call my attention, one of them is the periodontics and the other is endodontics, once I choose which one I want to study, I must look for a university in Chile or abroad to teach it, I would like to study abroad to learn a new culture and try new foods, etc. And have another experience of life. I would like to study a specialty because there are many dental surgeons so we must look for a possibility to stand out and help people at the same time, because as we are health workers that is our main job.
A super important aspect is the duration of the specialty and the monetary cost that it has, since it is very expensive and without a scholarship it is almost impossible to pay it. It is a very important decision that I have to make in the future, and I hope I can do it in a good way.

Free Topic

Hello everyone, today I will write of interest to me, this topic is a section of science, more specifically chemistry, but speaking of another part within chemistry, is organic chemistry, organic chemistry studies compounds that the vast majority are made of carbon (the best known are the fuels we use) although there are some

exceptions, some years ago I had organic chemistry laboratory classes at the university, I loved being in the laboratory and synthesizing compounds that seemed impossible and others very dangerous, on one occasion I extracted the caffeine from the tea leaves, it was a super long process that lasted around 5 hours, but the result was great, it was a kind of very light white powder! and very concentrated, I remember that on another occasion I synthesized pear essence! and it really had a pear aroma, there I also learned how to do PCR tests. Despite the fact that I loved the laboratories, over time I realized that I preferred another university degree, and that is why I finally decided to study odontology, which is what I study today, I like my current career because you can help directly to people.

viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

The best Holidays Ever!

Hello everyone, today I will write about my best holidays until now. This vacation was in the winter of 2019, on Isla de Pascua, this island belongs to Chile and is approximately 4 4 hours away from the continent by airplane. it is a very small island  with a population of around seven thousand people, most of them living in the city of Hanga Roa. From the first moment you land, you can see the nature and the magic of the place. Despite being winter, the island has a very warm climate, but it can rain at any time and a beautiful rainbow will appear. I was only 5 days there, and I toured the main tourist attractions like Ahu Tongariki, where there are 15 moais looking towards the island as protectors or the Anakena beach. This beach has very warm waters, with white sands, it is wonderful!

Another thing I want to write is about their food. There are many seafoods that are very fresh and delicious. On the dock where the small boats are, you can see fish of many colors, including turtles! One of the days when I was able to dive with turtles and fishes, it was wonderful even though I had done it before in another place. Another day I went to a guava plantation field, I didn't know they were so small! and to the cemetery where most of the tombstones have a small moai.

The island is wonderful, but the people who live there sometimes are not kind to the visitors, you always have to respect their way of living  and respect the moais, they cannot be touched. The last night I went to see a typical Rapa Nui dance, and woow!!! it is impressive how men and women dance. These have been my best holidays so far!.

sábado, 2 de mayo de 2020

A Country I Would like ro visit

Hi to everyone! Today I’m going to tell you about a country that I would like to visit so badly, and that country is Italy.

I always wanted to go to Italy because I love all the history and all the historic places around the country. And I also love the pasta! and all de food. 
If someday I get there, the first thing that I’ll do is going to travel around the countryside, to see and know old medieval towns and villages, and some roman ruins! The architecture of Italy is fascinating. But a specific place that I’d like to know is Florence. I think that the art and the architecture of this city are just amazing! And what to say about the historical matter… The center of the Renaissance itself! Of course I’d like to visit other cities like Rome or Venice, or go to the island of Sicily, but I think that Florence is my city.
If I have the chance, I’d like to live like about six months just the necessary to travel with patience and to learn some of the language, the truth is that I would love to learn to speak Italian. 

This is just a little piece of the things that I’d like to do in Italy.

lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

The last Blog


What can I say about the blog? I was not a big fan of writing blogs, but in these 3 months (approx.) I really liked doing this. This experience maybe I will not use it in my future like Dentistry, but it helped me improve my writing in English because in this class I could still write and learn, and it’s an incredible opportunity for me.
Writing this blog, I developed a lot of abilities like speed, composition and how to use new connectors In addition, I learned a lot of new words that I needed to improve my  speaking in English.  In the future I probably will not write a blog again, but it has been a good experience. If I go back to writing in the future in the same class and in the same blog, I l would like to  write about travels (like where do you want to go in your next vacation), cities (favorite cities, city with the best food, I don’t know), games (best game all over the world), songs (favorite song and why, how do you feel listening to that song), food (your favorite food and how to prepare it), the countries where you would like to live or know, what to do as a dentist or similar things.

sábado, 29 de junio de 2019

A Book I’ve Enjoyed Reading

I usually read a lot, but since I entered university I have not been able to do it. A book that I enjoy reading it a lot was "The Virgins of Paradise" by Barbara Wood, it is a romantic novel that takes place in the city of Cairo, Egypt. I liked it because it helps you to understand how is the Muslim culture with respect to women, what to do, what to say and how to behave, to break all these rules comes Jasmine who returns to her home in the street of the Virgins of Paradise, in Cairo. Now she is a doctor, and she has managed to break the dependence to which the woman in her country is condemned. Then, his memory paraded his privileged childhood, his awakening to life and his failed marriage, as well as the fate of the women in his family. The Virgins of Paradise is an overview of the recent history of Egypt and a chronicle of the condition of women in the Muslim world, the story not only tells what happens with Jasmine, but also tells the story of their relatives, as for example, her grandmother who was kidnapped when she was small and sold, being that she was a princess or for example Ali who was obsessed with having a son to leave as offspring, a plot that has love, secrets and mysteries at the same time.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

A Subject You Enjoyed Studying

Really until now I do not  have a favourite Subject, but I like the subjects of Skills two. Skills two, is in the second semester or the career, you learn thing about dentistry, in general is your first close up to the career, it is a little deeper than skills one, you make manual things, work whit silicone, calcium hydroxide, indirect vision, wax, acrylinc, cement just to name a few things in the laboratory, and in the class the teacher (witch are mostly dentists) the teach the basic principles of the career and the different specialties you can do when you finish the career. I like this subject because is the first subject in the career where you can know if is your vocation or not, if you really want to dedicate your whole life to odontology. It is also useful for to learn how instruments are called and what I can use them for and how to use them. I think I believe  that this subject is very important in the first year because  it helps to develop skills of professional practice for a future