lunes, 8 de julio de 2019

The last Blog


What can I say about the blog? I was not a big fan of writing blogs, but in these 3 months (approx.) I really liked doing this. This experience maybe I will not use it in my future like Dentistry, but it helped me improve my writing in English because in this class I could still write and learn, and it’s an incredible opportunity for me.
Writing this blog, I developed a lot of abilities like speed, composition and how to use new connectors In addition, I learned a lot of new words that I needed to improve my  speaking in English.  In the future I probably will not write a blog again, but it has been a good experience. If I go back to writing in the future in the same class and in the same blog, I l would like to  write about travels (like where do you want to go in your next vacation), cities (favorite cities, city with the best food, I don’t know), games (best game all over the world), songs (favorite song and why, how do you feel listening to that song), food (your favorite food and how to prepare it), the countries where you would like to live or know, what to do as a dentist or similar things.

4 comentarios:

  1. i would like to write a blog about my favourite food because i love eat jajaja

  2. I Like to write in blog :c, hope u found something that motivate you to write

  3. This expirience is really interesting
